Quantum Algorithms
Saturday, February 14, 2004
Another Suspect Press Release
From PRNewswire, ATMOL Inc. to Introduce the Remarkable Breakthrough of Technical Analysis 'J- CHART' at Traders EXPO in New York. "...J-Chart is able to avoid Random-Walk's effects. Furthermore, J- Chart utilizes the Pair Production Phenomenon of Quantum Physics as backbone for its ability of price forecasting."

It's one thing to use computing buzzwords to promote a product, but throwing in quantum physics appears disingenuous in this example. Perhaps they are using some mathematical formalism that has some strong resemblance to pair production in quantum mechanical equations, but that does not justify the above quote. It would be like someone having F = m*a; in their source code and claiming they use the power of Newtonian Mechanics in their software. Meaningless at best, misleading at worst.
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